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An Hadouken


An hadouken is the classic fireball from Street Fighter II: Double Turbo Champion Hyper Alpha Little Fiery Celebrity Home Edition. Now that was a good game.

At my local comic store L & S, there was a line stretching out the door to play the arcade coin-op of SF2. I used to grab a slice at Pizzalino’s and wait on line for hours just to get my ass kicked by a guy who dressed like Guile. He wore camo pants and was also in the army. We called him Guile, and he exclusively used Guile. But for me, it was always Ryu (don’t you dare pronounce it “Ree-YOO”) and his blue hadouken.


Surprisingly, I haven’t notated an hadouken yet on this blog. What strikes me most is just how high-pitched it is. I can barely hit the “dou.”


The first note is somewhere around a low C, then jumps up a minor seventh to a Bb, and bends down a minor third to a G. Minor thirds seem to be a popular choice when throwing fireballs. Sagat also yells a minor third for his tiger shot.

There were endless sub-sequels to Street Fighter II, so much that it got ridiculous. The third Street Fighter still hasn’t come out yet, much like World War III. Or did that happen already?