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New Single: Homebody

I remember still—the memories and melodies of home.

As a band of brothers, we’ve always loved popular telephone songs such as “867-5309/Jenny” by Tommy Tutone, and so we thought: Wouldn’t it be neat to sing the actual dial string from a landline phone, harmonies and all? Our new single, “Homebody” (hōm’bŭd’ē), features the band’s childhood phone number sung in this manner. The two tones of a DTMF phone signal make for some unusual chord progressions in the chorus, slowed-down and dancey, while the verses are upbeat and Beatlesesque, describing the dank basement which gave birth to the so-called “phoney songs of home.”

To stay thematically consistent, “Homebody” was recorded at our home studio in the mountain valley town of New Paltz, New York (featured in the song). While phone songs may be naturally catchy, the melody of “Homebody” is like sonar to our ears, reminding us of our lost suburban home on Long Island (also featured) with its quintessential American ’80s upbringing: Divorce, Cults, and Videogames.

Please enjoy “Homebody.”