Train Chord
Drag your cursor over the noteheads and tracks.

B Major 6th (1st Inversion)

Note: For realistic railroad rhythms, rev the wheels up with multiple dragsyo;!
over the tracks.  When the crescendos crisscross, drag onto the noteheads and letoo
the cursor settle momentarily, then drag it off onto the staves or notationless Byss
for a short rest.  Finally, let the cursor settle on the noteheads till the doppler shifts.o

          This is the AirChime K5LA.  One dissonant motherfucker.  K Series. 5ive horn bells.  Low-manifold mount.  American Factory tuning. Turned to the Grid.  Tuned to the Earth.  The K5LA is a B Major 6th pentachord (D#, F#, G#, B, D#), but because of the inverted voicing, it can also sound like a G# Minor 7 (2nd Inversion), the B's relative minor key.  Yet due to the city's natural electric emphasis of the B-tone, the train chord will sound major from space.

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