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Bar of the Beast

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The Universal Product Code contains the Mark of the Beast—666—from The New Testament, The Revelation, Chapter 13, paragraph 18. The three unidentified guard bars at the beginning, middle, and end of the barcode, each stand for a “six”, highlighted in the image above.

The UPC was invented by George Joseph Laurer. In the 80s, controversy arose when Christians and other conspiratorially-minded folk realized which number was lurking on every product in America. George has this to say in response:

There is nothing sinister about this nor does it have anything to do with the Bible’s “mark of the beast”. It is simply a coincidence like the fact that my first, middle, and last name all have 6 letters. There is no connection with an international money code either.

Ain’t that just something a cheeky Satanist would say? All things are numbered, of course, and it just so happens the inventor of the Satanic barcode has a coincidentally Satanic name in an industry that is openly Satanic.

So, now you know the weighty moral decision that Los Doggies went through in the printing of their new album: e’rebody. To mark with the beast and be brought into the Illuminati fold, or to forsake the Devil and not take advantage of universal digital distribution? Hmm, decisions…

Next thing you know, Los Doggies will be appearing on MTV2, showing off their eye of horus and monarch butterfly wings, shaking hands (Masonically) with the Queen of England, and headlining at the Bohemian Grove Opening Night.

Lawd hav mercy.


  1. Book a gig with The Gnomes of Zurich!

  2. Los Doggies says:

    What is that some kind of band? Are they prog?