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The Schumann Scale

It’s an arpeggio. No, It’s an octochord. No, It’s the lick of Thunder and Lightning.

Black unstemmed noteheads played on HAARP

THE SCHUMANN SCALE is based on extremely low frequencies (ELF) in the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Lightning strikes create electromagnetic waves in our atmosphere, which excites the Schumnan Resonances. The global averages are listed above, with the equivalent notes that form a scale seemingly in the key of B. If you had antennae in your ears, you could hear the resonances all around you, though most of them would be far too low to be pleasing. The scale above is transposed up five octaves, to a B2, and synthesized on midi-strings for easy-listening.

The resonant frequency (7.83), has a wavelength equal to the circumference of the Earth. This golden frequency is in the theta region of the brain, home to the mu rhythm. Global military communications capitalize on this frequency. When converted into sound waves, 7.83 is a flat “B-2” (two octaves below the lowest note on a piano). It is also the keynote to which Nikola Tesla tuned the North American Power Grid. The electric powers hums at 60 hz, the ninth overtone of the Earth, and loudest note from Space―B1, or Deep B. As seen in the chart above, the electroencephalograph of every enbrained organism, our terrestrial score, and the feedback of our machines, are all tuned, or attuned, to this flattened B. The B is the Tonic of our Sphere. Was Tesla electrosensing when he decided on his famous note? Did he speak the language of waveforms? Or practice zazen?

Musical Analysis
When equally-tempered, the above eight Schumann resonances form an arpeggio that spans two octaves, and can be broken down into two tetrachords―B13 and Cdim7 (the first and second measures above). Confined to a single octave, the Schumann notes fit neatly into two keys―Phyrgian Dominant, #6 (B, C, D#, E, F#, G#, A), and the Diminished, or Half-Whole Octatonic Scale (B, C, D, D#, F, F#, G#, A). In support of the latter key, it is interesting to note that the four most audible overtones of any musical sound make up a Dominant Seventh chord (1, major 3, 5, minor 7). This chord is found twice in the Schumann scale: B Dominant 7 (B, D#, F#, A), and G# Dominant 7 (G#, C, D#, F#). Dominants sevenths in intervals of minor thirds are the stinkmark of the Half-Whole scale.

The planet’s pop music rarely uses the Earth’s electromagnetic scale―The Schumann Scale―even though the ground we walk shapes it, the ether we breath conducts it, the heads we carry think with it, and the gods hurl it back at us.

Human Earth Tones
Some human beings can actually sing the Earth tone. In 2002, Tim Storms of Waterloo, Indiana, set the Guinness World Record for singing the lowest note, the Deepest B, the 8 Hz B-2. He has a range of Six Octaves, and performs this feat in a hand-puppet show. In 2005, a Chinese music teacher, Li Wenxing attempted to crush him with three additional semitones. He composed a very special song for the occasion. I’m pretty sure he lost.

tim storms          little fiery mario vocal chords
                    Tim Storms                                           Li Wenxing
               The 8 Hertz Kid                          Little Fiery Mario Vocal Chords